Sunday, January 23, 2022

Apartment 143 (2011)

Apartment 143 (2011)

Dir- Carles Torrens

A trio of paranormal investigators visits a widower and his kids as they document reported incidents of strange phenomena. The group witnesses a series of bizarre events, including ringing phones with no callers, phantom door knocks, and flying objects. The researcher suspects these events may be related to the widower's deceased wife and daughter. Apartment 143 is a pseudo-documentary film that was directed by Carles Torrens, who is best known for his work on the 2016 film Pet. Despite the film being set in the US, Apartment 143 was filmed and produced in Spain under the title Emergo. The film relies on the found footage style to show occurrences that suggest a supernatural force at work. While terrifying, Apartment 143 does depend on the usual tropes found in films such as The Exorcist and The Blair Witch Project. Apartment 143 offers plenty of scares and provides some shocking moments to make the movie stand out on its own among the dozens of paranormal-themed found footage movies.    

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