Friday, July 22, 2022

A Town Full of Ghosts (2022)


A Town Full of Ghosts (2022)
Dir- Isaac Rodriguez

A young couple takes a bold step in purchasing an isolated ghost town attraction, but tensions between them cause a rift as a series of dark secrets are revealed for them and their guests. This found footage-style horror movie directed by Isaac Rodriguez stars Andrew Fisher, Mandy Lee Rubio, Ali Alkhafaji, and Lauren Lox. Set in an authentic ghost town-style attraction, A Town Full of Ghosts follows a usual framework all too common with most found footage. However, what sets the film apart is the unique setting that genuinely pushes the concept of isolation-style horror. While the obsessed main character may seem rote for a movie of this style, Mr. Fisher has excellent chemistry with his screen wife, Ms. Rubio, giving the viewers a sad look at a marriage that is dissolving. The setting also adds to the terror with its Shining-style maze that would scare anyone lost inside, day or night. Director Rodriguez has released several found footage films under his No Sleep Films production company, and A Town Full of Ghosts is easily his best work to date.