Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sharktopus vs Pteracuda (2014)

Sharktopus vs Pteracuda (2014)

A marine biologist discovers an infant Sharktopus egg sac while diving and decides to raise it for research purposes and to find a way to tame its nature. Meanwhile, another team of scientists is working on a hybrid barracuda and pterodactyl for the military, but it escapes after their ability to control it is sabotaged. With both creatures unleashed, the biologist and others race to stop the two creatures before they kill a beach full of bikini babes. The sequel to the 2010 Scfy movie, this time, the hybrid creature meets an equally absurd flying menace with a slew of CGI fights and a bunch of bloody bodies left behind. The cast includes Robert Carradine, Akari Endo, and Conan O'Brien in a fun cameo that works well with the 90-minute run time. As these movies are not meant to be anything more than fantasy, we could find the Sharktopus taking on another hybrid monster a few years later. 

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