Sunday, July 7, 2024

Shark Huntress (2021)

Shark Huntress (2021)

After her activist mother disappears, a young woman travels to Thailand to meet up with her colleagues and find answers to what happened to her mother. As she sought the important work her mother was committed to, several shark attacks in the small community began to occur. Shark Huntress needs to be more accurate as the film's focus on hunting sharks is very minute and instead focuses on a conspiracy involving a major plastic company the mother was fighting. The lack of sharks is most apparent as most attacks are fake shark fins and blood in the water. As a result, the film is nothing more than conversations and conspiracies with little to no action and an anti-climactic end scene. Shark Huntress is easily one of the worst movies I have ever watched, given how terrible most shark movies I watch are. Bad CGI and shark roar would have been welcome to add some action or absurdity to this otherwise dull family drama. 

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