Tuesday, July 30, 2024

90210 Shark Attack (2015)

90210 Shark Attack (2015)

A group of overly attractive Oceanography students meets at a posh Beverly Hills mansion to work on a significant school project involving anthropology and the local ocean sea life. The teacher tries to get the students to focus on their work, but one of her students has a past that may invite trouble for them all. 90210 Shark Attack is a 2015 film directed by David DeCoteau and features an attractive young cast with little experience. The film is chock full of beautiful California scenery and aquatic stock footage to pad the running time. However, so much is spent on pointless dialogue, extended scenes of male beefcake, and little action. While the movie appears to be a shark film, it is more of a supernatural monster movie with horrible-looking CGI. Donna Wilkes stars, but this is far and away below her great work in Jaws 2 and Angel.    

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