Thursday, December 2, 2021

24 Days of LosMas- Red Snow (2021)

I will be posting Christmas-themed horror films over the next 24 days of LosMas; for the third night, I am posting the 2021 vampire dark comedy Red Snow. 

Red Snow (2021)

Sean Nichols Lynch

Alone in a Lake Tahoe Cabin, a struggling writer (Dennice Cisneros) with a fixation on vampires finds inspiration when she rescues an injured bat that turns out to be a vampire (Nico Bellamy). Hoping to learn more about vampire culture, she offers him a place to hide out, but her curiosity may put her in danger from a vampire hunter and the vampires he is chasing. Red Snow is a holiday-themed black comedy directed by Sean Nichols Lynch, known for the 2015 drama Prep School. Dennice Cisneros shines in the starring role of Olivia, a vampire romantic who dreams of success as a writer and jumps at the chance to interview a real vampire. Nico Bellamy costars as Lucas, the injured vampire who agrees to help Olivia while suppressing his urge to feed on her. Vernon Wells also appears as a mysterious detective looking to capture Lucas. At 80 minutes, Red Snow does not wear out its welcome, and the delightful pairing of Olivia and Lucas makes for quite an odd couple. With recent vampire movies trying to stand out among the pack, it is refreshing to see a vampire comedy that isn't a derivative parody of Twilight or Dracula. Instead, Red Snow will appeal to fans of vampire movies looking for films along the lines of Fright Night and Dark Shadows, offering a bit of dark humor and some mildly gory bloodsucking.    

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