Thursday, December 16, 2021

24 Days of LosMas- Caesar & Otto's Deadly Xmas (2012)

I will be posting Christmas-themed horror films over the next 24 days of LosMas; for the fifth night, I am posting the 2012 horror-comedy Caesar & Otto's Deadly Xmas (2012).

Caesar & Otto's Deadly Xmas (2012)

Dir- Dave Campfield

Caesar and Otto take jobs as a store Santa and Elf but incur the wrath of another Santa. Their sibling rivalry distracts them from the murders being committed by said evil Santa, who targets their acquaintances in the hope of framing Caesar and Otto for the crimes. The fifth movie in Dave Campfield's Caesar and Otto series features Campfield and Paul Chomicki in goofy segments featuring an army of 80s horror personalities, including Felissa Rose, Lloyd Kaufman, Linnea Quigley, Debbie Rochon, Brinke Stevens, and Deron Miller as the Killer Claus. Deadly Xmas is a silly movie that plays loose on important details like plot, and narrative but the joy in this film is watching the absurd scenes play out in one of the goofiest Christmas horror comedies in recent years.  

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