Monday, December 6, 2021

24 Days of LosMas- Red Christmas (2014)

I will be posting Christmas-themed horror films over the next 24 days of LosMas; for the sixth night, I am posting the 2014 pseudo-documentary horror movie Red Christmas.

Red Christmas (2014)

Dir- Steve Rudzinski

Red Christmas is a pseudo-documentary-style film, not to be confused for the 2016 Craig Anderson film of the same name. Steve Rudzinski's 2014 horror film features Tara, a serial killer who kills men exclusively. She records her exploits, knowing that there will be a record of her exploits if she is ever caught. This Christmas season, she targets a possible victim at the mall showing how easy it is to lure any man home where she has sinister intent and a desire to please herself as she gets a sick thrill from her exploits. As the movie unfolds, Tara is unaware of another party watching her work, and what follows will add some unexpected twists. Red Christmas makes use of found footage, and Rudzinski skillfully makes the film more documentary style like Man Bites Dog or August Underground. Actress Amie Wrenn does an adequate job in her role, but some scenes drag on despite the movie's one-hour length. Thankfully Ms. Wrenn is engaging on camera and has great charisma despite her unmistakable psychotic personality.  

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