
Monday, December 2, 2024

24 Days of LosMas- Creatures

will be posting Christmas-themed horror films over the next 24 days of LosMas; for the second night, I am posting the 2021 Sci Fi Horror Comedy Creatures.

 Creatures (2021)
A college professor takes a group of his students on a field trip, but they encounter a crashed UFO that harbors some scary aliens who attack the group and turn the dead members of the party into zombies they control. Creatures is a 2021 SciFi Holiday Horror movie directed by Tony Jopia and starring Romain Barbey, Rina Saito, and Chris Kyriacou. Sci-fi horror comedies are rare and challenging to pull off without borrowing from more established films. This is evident in Creatures as it borrows heavily from Gremlins and Night of the Creeps, even featuring a cute Gizmo-like alien that appears just as innocent and adorable. The evil aliens are silly-looking puppets, but the violence is comical, with most of the kills done with a mix of CGI and practical gore effects. The movie is derivative but reasonably entertaining, even with the silly CGI kills. Overall, Creatures is a fun holiday horror movie for folks looking for a goofy movie to put on this winter season. 

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