
Thursday, April 21, 2022

Freaks (2018)

Freaks (2018)

Dir- Zach Lipovsky

A little girl who is kept inside and sheltered from the outside world wishes to be like a normal kid but soon learns there truly is something dangerous outside her door. Yet after escaping her father's control, she learns some secrets from a mysterious older man selling ice cream. Freaks is a 2018 sci-fi thriller directed by Zach Lipovsky and starring Emile Hirsch, Bruce Dern, Grace Park, and Lexy Kolker. While the film at first seems to show a disturbed and paranoid father, the viewers learn that his paranoia is genuine and that protecting his daughter is his priority. Freaks has a great cast and expand on ideas shown in the XMen franchise without ripping off the mutants in peril storyline. Lexy Kolker stands out in an important role that helps carry this compelling and tight thriller. 

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