
Saturday, February 19, 2022

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)

Dir- David Blue Garcia 

Recently we have seen a spate of horror movies that are not remakes and instead long gap sequels that often ignore previous editions to follow up the original. Director David Blue Garcia takes on the daunting task of picking up from one of the most famous slashers with his 2022 release. A social media influencer and her friends look to bring new life to an old Texas ghost town. Problems arise when they evict a longtime resident and her adopted son, revealing him to be Leatherface. This sequel ignores the previous entries; instead, it returns with a fresh group of victims and a survivor looking for vengeance. The film will not disappoint fans looking for bloody chainsaw kills, but this movie is not groundbreaking outside some wicked fantastic kill scenes. The film stars Sarah Yarkin, Elsie Fisher, and Olwen Fouere filling in for the deceased Marilyn Burns as Sarah Hardesty. Despite being filmed in Bulgaria, the small town looks fairly convincing for a film that does not really need too many locals. Sarah Yarkin and Elsie Fisher are pretty convincing in their roles as sisters, but I was disappointed to see Olwen Fouere underutilized in a part that should have been much stronger. Actor Mark Burnham has the challenging task of portraying Leatherface. He is quite terrifying in the role, but given the time lapse between the two films, it may be a stretch to believe this could be the same Leatherface, given that he would have to be a least 70 years or older. Despite these minor complaints, this version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a considerable improvement on the recent releases and should win over new fans hoping to see a classic old-school style slasher.    

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