
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Movies Joe Bob Should Show on The Last Drive In- 78 Days to Halloween

Here are 20 movies that would be great to watch on The Last Drive-In as selected by fans on Darcy the Mail Girls Ranker page. Movies are in order of most votes.

 Halloween III: Season of the Witch

Tom Atkins Rules, the song is catchy and Darcy would fangirl big time

They Live

I've come to chew bubble gum and watch Joe Bob, and I am all out of Lonestar.

The Thing

It's only the best sci-fi horror movie ever made and The Losman's favorite scar movie.

The Return of the Living Dead

More Brains and more awesome Darcy cosplay, plus tons of zombie boobs

Evil Dead II

It may be a sequel, but its a hell of a great drive-in movie, great opportunity to get Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell.

The Evil Dead

It's a low budget movie, but you wouldn't have Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness without it. 

Fright Night

Being a Peeping Tom was never the same when you discover you live next to a vampire. 

Night of the Creeps

Thrill Me!


So much fun, and Adrienne Barbeau make this an instant classic episode.

Dead Alive

Peter Jackson is going to roll in his grave if yall don show this one. A movie made for the drive-in

Dawn of the Dead

Shopping Malls and Tom Savini greatness 

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

Stretch, and Choptop are born to be Drive-In mutants, and this would be an epic episode for these two awesome Chainsaw Alumni. 

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

Many consider this to be the best of the Freddy movies, and not all of them are wrong. 

From Beyond

Stuart Gordon was a National Treasure, and if it were not for him, Barbara Crampton might have stayed a popular soap star. 


If we whisper his name too many times, he may send some bees to Joe Bob's trailer.

An American Werewolf in London

It's a classic and who doesn't love a good werewolf movie.

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

I only to see Joe Bob turned into cotton candy.

Trick or Treat

No, not that one, the one with Ozzy Osburne, Gene Simmons, and Skippy from Family Ties. 

Motel Hell

Meats meat and the drive-in mutants need to eat. 

Night of the Demons

Late night parties in spooky houses with Linnea Quigley and Amelia Kinkade don't get better than this. 

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