
Sunday, August 2, 2020

Movie Villains Who Need a Franchise- 90 Days to Halloween

Mary Lou Maloney (Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II)
Mary Lou Maloney was the primary antagonist in the 1987 sequel to Prom Night. Easily one of the best villains of the 1980s, Mary Lou Maloney would appear in two of the Prom Night franchise's five films. Yet there were several changes made that ruined what could have been a franchise killer to match Jason, Freddy or Michael. Lisa Schrage portrayed Mary Lou with sarcastic wit and possessed excellent supernatural skills that made her one of the scariest villains of the 1980s. In the followup film, Mary Lou was not only recast but also made into a mean spirited genie-like villain who lacked the sarcastic wit that Schrage excelled. It was a shame that Schrage was not cast in the followup movies as she had the personality and sharp tongue that could have made her the female Freddy Krueger of the 80s. 

Sam (Trick r Treat)
Created by Michael Dougherty, Samhain, aka Sam, is the guardian of Halloween traditions who first appeared in the short film Season's Greetings and the 2007 horror anthology Trick 'r Treat. Sam is the spirit of Halloween who appears as a kid in a simple orange footy pajamas costume with a burlap mask. His activities include observing Halloween traditions such as giving candy to kids, wearing costumes, respecting the dead, and making sure that jack o lanterns stay lit till midnight. Trick 'r Treat has become a cult classic that wins new fans each Halloween, and it is a surprise that no other movies have been made.   

Pamela Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
Introduced as the mother of one of the most famous summer camp slashers, Pamela Voorhes has been shown in two Friday the 13th films. Despite being killed, it is not difficult to make a prequel series that could show Mrs. Voohees involved in activities that could have her seeking revenge on the camp counselors that ignored her son.  As shown at the beginning of the first movie, Mrs. Voorhees could have continued efforts to sabotage the camp and help build the camp's negative reputation that would earn it the nickname Camp Blood. 

Cropsy (The Burning)
The 1981 slasher movie The Burning introduced a killer named Cropsy, who was accidentally burned after a failed prank. After being released from the hospital, he takes revenge on summer campers with a pair of hedge shears. After a revenge-driven murder spree, he is defeated in the end with campers telling the story of Cropsy around their campfire. Given that slashers were so popular in the early 80s, it is surprising that a sequel was not made as this is a great story that could have easily had a series of followup movies.  

Leslie Vernon (Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon)
The 2006 meta-horror movie introduced Leslie Vernon as a highly intelligent and charismatic young man who is also an expert on horror films. His goal is to become the next big horror legend, and he has a film crew follow him as he explains his grand vision and plan that will make him a slasher legend. The film crew does not think he is serious but goes along because of his great story they are capturing. Once the plan is in motion, they are shocked to learn he was serious, and now they are potential victims. Although the interviewer supposedly defeats him, he is shown to have faked his death, opening the door for a sequel.  

Debbie Brody (Bloody Birthday)
In the 1981 slasher movie Bloody Birthday, Debbie Brody is a pretty ten-year-old girl who shares a birthday with two other children born under mysterious circumstances. The three of them all display no signs of empathy or remorse, this allows them to commit acts of murder, and with her ability to manipulate her two partners, she is the de facto leader of the group. After framing her two partners, she can trick everyone around her, including her mother. The movie ends with a suggestion that she is still causing problems, and it would be great to see an adult version of her in a sequel.   

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