
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

12 More Found Footage Movies- 67 Days to Halloween

Lunopolis (2010)

Documentary filmmakers find evidence of a conspiracy that involves the moon, time travel, and a religious cult looking to keep these secrets from going public. 

Sinister (2012)

A true-crime writer moves his family into a murder victim's home and finds some home movies that show a pattern of murders that point to a serial killer with supernatural influence.

The Dirties (2013)

Two bullied teens make a movie for a school video project that shows them taking revenge on their attackers. After getting ridiculed for their effort, one of the teens considers taking it a step further.

Afflicted (2013)

Two friends travel to Europe and video their journey as one of them faces health issues. Yet an encounter with a beautiful lady leaves one with an aversion to sunlight, higher strength, and blood taste.   

Devils Pass (2013)

In this found footage movie, five students from the United States decide to recreate the doomed 1959 Dyatlov Pass expedition and seek answers only to face a similar tragedy.

Digging Up the Marrow (2014)

Filmmaker Adam Green is looking for a new project and meets a retired detective who pushes him toward a story about real-life monsters. As he skeptically follows the detectives lead, they do encounter something dangerous. 

The Houses October Built (2014)

Five friends take a road trip to visit several Halloween Haunted Houses but discover that a mysterious group follows them with unknown intentions.  

The Visit (2015)

A teen girl and her younger brother visit their estranged grandparents for the first time as their single mother takes a weeklong trip. As she videos the odd behavior of their Nana and Pop-Pop, some disturbing secrets emerge.

Phoenix Forgotten (2017)

Years after her brother disappeared in the desert; a young woman finds videos that give her clues to his fate. She then learns the shocking truth of what happened to him and his party.

Gonijam: Haunted Asylum (2018)

A Korean Youtube team takes a group of volunteers into an abandoned asylum for a live broadcast. Yet, they soon discover that the old building still has some genuinely nightmarish secrets within.

The Devils Doorway (2018)

Two priests are sent to a Magdalene Laundry to investigate a supposed miracle but discover a dark secret hidden away in the church's lower recesses.

Butterfly Kisses (2018)

A filmmaker discovers a box of videotapes that show two missing students researching an urban legend. He then loses himself as he obsesses with finding the truth behind this creepy story. 

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