
Friday, August 30, 2019

Ed Gein Inspired Horror Movies- 61 Days To Halloween

Ed Gein (1906-1984) The Butcher of Plainfield was a murderer and body snatcher who exhumed bodies of women and made ghoulish trophies from their skin and bones. Although he confessed to only two confirmed murders, it is the surprising way he made use of the corpses that have made him so infamous and the subject of so many horror movies. There are at least 11 movies that are inspired by the events of Ed Gein's murders as well as serving as the model for Norman Bates, Leatherface and Buffalo Bill.

Psycho (1960)

Three on a Meathook (1972)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Deranged (1974)

Maniac (1980)

The Silence of The Lambs (1991)

Ed and His Dead Mother (1993)

Ed Gein/In The Light of The Moon (2000)

Ed Gein The Butcher of Plainfield (2007)

Ed Gein The Musical (2010)

Child of God (2013)

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