
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Overlord aka JJ Abrams makes a Castle Wolfenstein movie

Overlord (2018)
Dir- Julius Avery

World War 2 movies have been quite popular for many years with improved special effects adding to the realism along with better narratives thanks to the success of Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers. Taking elements of Band of Brothers the JJ Abrams Bad Robot-produced movie Overlord starts off with some pretty intense battle scenes as a platoon of paratroopers prepares for a mission prior to the D-Day Invasion. This group is tasked with the destruction of some communication towers in a small French village that is occupied by Nazi's. Plans go haywire as the plane is hit and many of the men are lost leaving a small band of soldiers led by a Sgt who is the explosives expert and a fresh private who has not seen action. Once inside the village, they meet a young woman who hides them in her home and then reveals that the castle they intend to attack has something sinister going on inside. Overlord was produced in a secretive manner and there was speculation the movie was going to be a part of the Cloverfield universe. Instead, the movie becomes what could have been a great Castle Wolfenstein movie that never got made. The action scenes are intense and rival most war movies, the film also has excellent creature effects and is quite gory even for a war movie. The latter half of the film treads into territory that is already quite familiar but the standout performance of Jovan Adepo and Wyatt Russell keep the film exciting and entertaining. I watched the film back in September 2018 during Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas and the movie was well received by critics and was one of the standout films of note along with Halloween and Suspiria.

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