
Monday, June 4, 2018

36 Years Ago today a little girl said "They're Here"

Poltergeist (1982)

Dir- Tobe Hooper
Steven Spielberg wrote and produced what had to be one of the best ghost stories of the 1980's. Making use of state of the art special effects and the acting talents of Craig T Nelson and JoBeth Williams we are presented one of the most frightening PG movies ever made. A family in an upscale middle-class neighborhood find themselves living with a playful spirit. At first, the ghost plays gags and simple tricks, yet the real terror begins when researchers arrive to study the phenomena. In one the most iconic movie scenes, we see the late Heather O'Rourke kidnaped by the television as her frantic parents face an evil series of ghosts. The climax is both terrifying and intense, boasting top-notch visuals and plenty of ghostly terror. Surprisingly there is no blood or gore, an ironic note to Director Tobe Hooper, best known for directing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Although Spielberg wanted a tamer story, we get a good blend of both terror and suspense in this classic. Tragically a curse is believed to have affected this movie series, in this film, and it's subsequent sequels there were tragic deaths involving many of its stars. Whether there is a genuine curse or just a coincidence, we have a truly frightening and engaging story that will forever remain a classic of the Horror genre.

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