
Monday, May 21, 2018

Friends Who Slay Together, Stay Together

Tragedy Girls (2017)

Dir- Tyler MacIntyre
We are seeing an influx of media savvy teens looking to make their name on social media and two young friends named Sadie and McKayla are obsessed with death after they discover a serial killer may be in their town. When they don't get the "likes" on their crime blog, the two decide that maybe they need to commit a few murders to get the attention they crave and become famous. This film by Tyler MacIntyre captures the craze in social media and how often the desire for popularity is pursued without any thought about the social responsibility or ethics involved in the pursuit of fame. X-Men alumni Alexandra Shipp and Brianna Hildebrand display a natural friendship that carries the film most impressively given how dark the subject matter is. Tragedy Girls is a very dark comedic movie that like Heathers follows the usual teen tropes of popularity, social class and being a mean girl without pushing the film outside its satiric nature into some disturbing territory.

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